23 April 2014

How to ask the perfect question

From Jeff Haden at Inc.com:
  1. Limit the actual question to one sentence. Feel free to state the problem or issue in detail, but limit your question to one sentence. "How can we increase productivity?" "How can we improve quality?" "What would you do if you were me?" Sticking to one sentence helps ensure your questions are open ended.
  2. Provide options in the question only if those truly are the only options. But keep in mind those rarely are the only options. The odds you've already thought of everything are pretty slim.
  3. Don't shade the question. You may think you know the answer. Great. Keep that to yourself. Make your questions answer-neutral.
  4. Follow the same principles for follow-up questions. Stay short. Stay open ended. Stay neutral.
  5. Talk as little as possible. You already know what you know. Great questions are designed to find out what the other person knows. So stay quiet and listen. You never know what you'll learn when you ask the right way.

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