04 February 2013

Who won the newsjacking competition during the Super Bowl blackout? And how did they do it?

David Meerman Scott says the winner is ... Oreo cookies, which posted this photo on Twitter during the 30-minute blackout:

Scott blogs:
This newsjack from Oreo succeeds because it was fast, its witty and fun, its non-controversial, and it ties back to the brand and its messages. 
Newsjacking gets attention. Oreo spent many millions of dollars running television ads during the Super Bowl. But on a cost per view basis, newsjacking generated a much, much bigger ROI.
So how did Oreo respond to the opportunity so fast and so well? They were prepared for it.

Angela Watercutter at Wired explains:
Turns out they had a 15-person social media team at the ready to respond to whatever happened online in response to the Super Bowl — whether it was a mind-blowing play or half the lights shutting off. So not only did they have a regular commercial run during the first quarter, they also had copywriters, a strategist, and artists ready to react to any situation in 10 minutes or less. 

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