14 November 2012

Create a web site in seconds from your smartphone

Here's an idea: How about an app that let's you quickly and easily create a website from your smartphone? In this video, Robert Scoble interviews the founder of a company that has created just that.  It's call Zapd.

The potential applications for the mobile publicist are enormous. Using Zapd, you could create mobile, social web sites that:
  • Let you cover an event in real time, curating all the coverage onto a unique site while also pushing the coverage to Facebook.
  • Allow your client's employees to collaborate on a public project from their smartphones while still allowing you to manage the results.
  • Let your customers crowd-cover an event or collaborate on a specific subject.
  • Host a real-time employee blog that allows contributors to post from anywhere in real time.
  • Allow your CEO to communicate with stakeholders in real time.
  • Establish an instant base of important information for stakeholders and media during a company crisis.
That's just off the top of my head. Going to play with this over the next few weeks and let you know how it performs. If you have any interesting thoughts on this, let me know.

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